Don’t Stress! Bye-Bye Free Radicals

Imagine free radicals as mischievous little troublemakers wreaking havoc in your body’s neighbourhood.


These troublemakers are highly reactive and unstable molecules that can cause chaos and damage to your cells.


Picture them as tiny, restless troublemakers with an unpaired electron, which is like an itch they can’t scratch.


To satisfy their urge, they go around stealing electrons from other molecules, turning those innocent molecules into more free radicals in the process. It’s like a domino effect of mischief!


Now, this chain reaction of electron stealing can cause mayhem in your body.


It can lead to oxidative stress, like the stress you feel during a chaotic game of tag when everyone is chasing each other!


Oxidative stress can damage your cells, DNA, and even important structures like collagen, leaving them weaker and more susceptible to wrinkles and other signs of ageing.


But fear not! Your body has a superhero team called antioxidants.


They’re like the peacekeepers, swooping in to neutralize the free radicals and stop their destructive antics.


Antioxidants generously donate their electrons to those pesky free radicals, calming them down and breaking the chain of chaos.


To keep this neighbourhood of your body peaceful and vibrant, make sure to fuel up on antioxidant-rich foods like colourful fruits, vegetables, or anti-oxidant health supplements such as vitamins E tocotrienols.


They’ll provide your body’s peacekeeping team with the support they need to keep those free radicals in check.


Credit: Oxidative stress image sourced from Scientific Animations.

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